This site is very interesting
because the use high graphical elements in the website. It also contain many
facts about the latest discoveries.This website very suitable for children because it can help them to understand in exciting way. Visit here to read more about the website.
2 ) The Qur'an - A Unique Miracle
This website has been created by IslamiCity.
This web provide a non-sectarian, comprehensive and holistic view of Islam and
Muslims.Its cultivate peace, inspire action, explore positive solutions and
encourage purposeful living through the universal teachings of Islam. Click here and find more.
3 ) Secret of Quran Miracles
This is a faith and scientific site
in nine languages with the purpose of mixing science with faith to demonstrate
the true face of Islam and to prove that there is no contradiction between
science and religion, also this website aim to translate the most recent
universal and scientific facts in a simple way to benefit readers in every
place around the world. Let start read by click here
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